This Week's Comprehension Skill: 

Upload EACH PART to your ClassDojo Portfolios. Remember Miss Raye's expectations! Complete sentences, capitalization, details, and organized!

The Future You

June 8 - 12th:

Creative Writing & Science

June 1 - 5th:

Essential Question: How do humans become stronger through challenges?

May 18th - 22nd:

Essential Question: What is adaptation and what does it mean to adapt?

Creative Writing

May 11th - 15th:

**This should be well written in multiparagraphs, reread and edited/revised before submitting! Work on it throughout the week and submit at end of the week!
First do your prewrite, then use your prewrite to write your paragraphs!

Essential Question: How am I connected to the world?

Below is a writing prompt to write a creative piece. 

Just like in school, your writing should:

  1. Have a plan, Prewrite using a two column note graphic organizer.
  2.  Be broken into paragraphs for each part of the graphic organizer.
  3. Have details and describing words (more than what is in the graphic organizer)
  4. Be reread and edited before submitting

Prompt: "Trip of a lifetime". Imagine you and your family could visit anywhere in the world. Write a creative story about traveling the world to this place. Ideas to include: Where in the world did you visit? Why did you choose that place? Who would go with you and why? What are some exciting things you did during your visit?

(Graphic Organizer for your Prewrite)

(After completing your two column note, write your personal narrative using notebook paper or type it on your computer, iPad, or tablet!! Remember to write it in separated paragraphs and reread and edit before submitting!)

Cause & Effect, Comprehension Q's, & Writing

May 4th - 8th:

**Students, 3 Parts this week! COMPLETE ALL THREE!

Essential Question: Who makes a community work and what makes a community special?

As as reminder, cause and effect is a relationship. You need to be able to identify "what happened" and "why it happened" in order to have a strong relationship! 

Part #1:  Check out and listen to Last Stop on Market Street. After reading along with the guest reader, create a two-column note to help you determine the THREE cause and effect relationships in the story!

Part #2: Listen to Last Stop on Market Street again. After, answer comprehension questions with evidence from the text. Don't forget complete sentences and details! You can answer in complete sentences in a notebook or click the link above to download and print!

Part #3: Reflect on the story and your own community. Read the prompt 2 times! Read what MUST be included in your answer. Write in a notebook, download and print, or type your answer on ClassDojo portfolio.

Problem/Solution and Reading Response

April 27th - May 1st:

Part #1: Listen to Zombies don't eat veggies. This year we learned that a lot of stories have a character that deals with more than one problem and solution! How many problems does the character face in this story? Does his first idea for a solution work or does he have to come up with a different solution? Complete the graphic organizer after, WITH DETAILS! Grade 4 students include details - not just a few works please 😀

Part #2: Answer the writing response using details from the text. 4th Grade expectations mean that your writing should be 5 or more sentences! Writing prompt: Compare yourself to Mo. Describe how you are alike and how you are different. 

Earth Day - Text Evidence

April 21th - April 24th:

Did you know April 22nd Earth Day? This week's reading focuses on the power and impact one person can have in a community. This book is about what one woman does to help the world and her community environment 

Part #1: Listen to One Plastic Bag. Who is the main character and what does she discover about her environment? After listening, answer comprehension questions with evidence from the text. Don't forget complete sentences and details!

Part #2:  Think about your community. What is a problem or a concern that you can help make a plan for? After completing the two column note graphic organizer, write a multi-paragraph response addressing your plan for the community!

Nonfiction - Biography Timeline

April 13th - April 17th:

This week, we are focusing on a true story about the FIRST woman to receive the Nobel Piece Prize. This story is about the life and amazing work of Jane Addams. This is a great book for us to practice identifying the main idea and important details. Remember: main idea is what the entire story is about. Important details are key things that happen through the story to help support the main idea.

Part #1: Listen to The House that Jane Built. While listening, fill in the timeline (events and details IN ORDER). Don't forget to include Dates/Years and Ages! You can illustrate each event that you record!

Using a notebook page, piece of paper, or a page in our Classroom Google Drive.

Part #2: Using your timeline, respond to the prompt in the comment section! Remember 4th grade writing exceptions (length, introduction sentence, details)!!

 Prompt:  Jane Addams vowed that one day she would find a way to fit the world. Use details from the story to explain how she accomplished this.

Plot & Point of View Prompt!

April 6th - April 10th:

We have learned that completing a story map can help us write AFTER reading. A story map includes identifying the characters, setting, and the beginning, middle, and end. Our B,M,E is where we make sure to include problems and solutions in the story.

Part #1: Listen to As Fast As Words Can Fly. This is a story that takes place during the Civil Rights Act. We discussed segregation this year in school (think about Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and Ruby Bridges!) During and after reading along, complete a story map two column note.

Using a notebook page, piece of paper, or a page in our Classroom Google Drive.

Part #2: Put yourself in Mason's shoes (Mason's point of view). Writing in first person as if YOU are Mason, write how you felt when you won the typing contest. Don't forget to include reasons and details!

Cause and Effect!

March 30th - April 3rd:

As as reminder, cause and effect is a relationship. You need to be able to identify "what happened" and "why it happened" in order to have a strong relationship! 

Check out and listen to Here Comes the Garbage Barge. After reading along with the guest reader, create a two-column note to help you determine the THREE cause and effect relationships in the story!

Using a notebook page, piece of paper, or a page in our Classroom Google Drive.

After completing a two-column note, write a summary (put it in your own words 😉) of the story and don't forget to include you cause & effect relationships in the summary!


March 23 - 27th:

As we have learned, the theme of the story is the message! 
It is the lesson the reader learns.

Check out and listen to When a Dragon Moves In. After reading along with the guest reader, create a two-column note to help you determine the theme (message) of the story!

Using a notebook page, piece of paper, or a page in our Classroom Google Drive.

1) Identify the characters, setting, beginning, middle, and end of the story. 
2) Think about what the characters in the story learned. What did you learn that you could apply as a life lesson? That's your theme! 
3) Comment on this post with a picture of your two column note or just let me know what you think the Theme of the story is!


  1. In when a dragon moves in I think that the theme is if you can see and imagine it hang on to it.

    1. Wonderful insight Kayla! Teaching us that our imagination is a wonderful thing :) Well done!!!

  2. If I put myself in mason's shoes I would fell great that I won the typewriting contest
    because I have accomplished something big and that I learned to type 65 words per

    1. Don't forget to write as if you are Mason!

      "I felt so great winning the typewriting contest!..."

      Remember our writing should have lots of details to prove we understood what we read about :)

  3. 1889 Jane moved into a house

    1889 feed kids

    1889 help kids and adults

    1889 she started teaching kids and after school programs

    1889 first play ground was built

    1907 13 houses were built

    1. Nice job with Part 1! Check back and write your prompt paragraph for Part 2 using your timeline! Don't forget to include lots of sentences with details! You can leave the comment here or upload to your Portfolio section on Dojo, up to you!

  4. 1. 1889- Moved into a new house.
    2. 1889- Fed the poor people.
    3. 1889- Kids broke a window and she let a man have a job.
    4. 1889- She put in a public bath for everyone.
    5. 1889- She made a playground for the kids.
    6. 1889- She started a school.
    7. 1907- 13 building have been made.

    1. Wonderful job, now check back and write your prompt paragraph for Part 2 using your timeline! Don't forget to include lots of sentences with details! You can leave the comment here or upload to your Portfolio section on Dojo, up to you!

  5. She found a different one
    She found a mother one
    Her goats died from eating the plastic bags
    She turned them into purses
    A metal tool and the plastic bags

    1. Debbie, please read and follow the directions. These are not fourth grade complete sentences. Why don't you write your responses down and take a picture and upload to your ClassDojo portfolio!


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