Mrs. Steele's Corner

Learning Target: We are reviewing main idea and supporting details.

We are going to listen to the story, Ivan: The Remarkable True Story of the Shopping Mall Gorilla. But before we do that, I want us to check out this video about gorillas.


Think about this:
·      What did you learn about gorillas?
·      What do they eat?
·      Where do they live?
·      What do they look like?

Now that we have learned a little about gorillas, we are going to listen to the story, Ivan: The Remarkable True Story of the Shopping Mall Gorilla. As you listen to the story, think about how Ivan the gorilla is different from the gorillas we saw in the National Geographic video.

Listen to the story here

Take a look at the two-column notes. I filled in the main idea section that Ivan was different from other gorillas. Think to yourself, how was he different? Fill in as many supporting details as you can on how Ivan is different from gorillas in the wild.

Main Idea
Supporting Details
Ivan was different from other gorillas.

Now solve these three problems. Post your answers in the comments or send your answers in.

1.  Mrs. Steele put muffins in the oven to bake at 4:00pm and she takes them out at 5:10pm, how long were the muffins in the oven for?

2.  Miss Raye went to the mall at 12:30pm. After she bought some new clothes and went out to lunch, she arrived at her home at 2:00pm. How long was she out for?

3.  Basketball practice starts at 1:45pm. It ends at 3:30pm. How long is practice?


  1. S: The kids were as playful as chihuahua.
    M: The kids were butter sliding through the snow.

  2. S: The beach was as beautiful as jewelry.
    M: The beach ocean was a blue pattern, if you go deeper, the blue gets darker.

  3. S: The baby was as hungry as a hippo
    M: The baby was a bird, slurping up all of the spaghetti.

    1. This made me laugh! She definitely does slurp her spaghetti!

  4. My dad is as jumpy as a spring.
    My dad is as playful as a spinning top.
    My dad is as fun as a party favor
    sometimes My dad is as stubborn as a knot in a rope.
    My mom is as soft as the softest fluff.
    My mom is as bright as the brightest light.
    My mom is as tasty as the crunchiest cookie.
    My mom is as delicious as a croissant.

  5. My big brother is as amusing as a game of marbles.
    My big brother is as strong as a baseball bat.
    My big brother is as sneaky as a snake.
    My big brother eats like a pig.
    My baby brother is as sweet as candy. (but he never stops crying)
    My baby brother is as loud as a whistle.
    No, LOUDER, he is as loud as a firetruck.

  6. Listen to this story, My Dog is as Smelly as Dirty Socks. As you are listening to the story, what similes and metaphors can you identify in the book?
    o as jumpy as spring
    o as stinky as a can of fish
    o as stubborn knot in a rope

    o he eats like a pig
    o he is sneaky snake
    o my heart is big

  7. picture 1
    Simile- the snow is as white as a polar bear
    metaphor-the snow is so white it blends in with polar bear
    picture 2
    simile-the water is as blue as the sky
    picture 3
    simile-the baby could eat as much polar bear
    metaphor- the baby could eat a horse it's so hungry

  8. schmutz is as stinky as an onion.
    He is as nasty as canned fish.
    Also as icky as pepperoni.
    and as smelly as dirty socks.

  9. I am a princess.
    I am a majestic as a crown.
    And as sugary as a jelly bean.
    I am also as sharp as a pencil.
    And as sparkly as a star.

  10. I am as colorful as a flower.
    And as lovely as perfume.
    As strong as a stone.
    And as good as an angel.
    I am as funny as a tickly feather.
    And as curious as a magnifying glass
    I am faster than a calculator
    And all around as special as beach glass.
    My heart is big.

  11. 1. 6000
    2. 3900
    3. 5930

  12. they wear a lot of layers

    the weather is very cold

    they cant pack stuff heavy so they have to pack little snack

    it tacks 1 month to get to the top


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