The Unexplainable Disappearance of Mars Patel

Mystery, fantasy, and adventure! So fun!!!

Here's the deal! Three times a week I will post the next podcast episode! This is a podcast so it relies on your listening skills. This is all about visualization... draw a picture in your head!

All I want you to do for each episode is listen, sketch, predict:
1) Listen to the episode
2) Draw a sketch of what you visualized while listening
3) Make a prediction of what you think will happen next episode!

Listen here: Season 1 Episode 1 - Code Red

(to skip commercials, press the +30seconds button 😉)

Season 1 Episode 2 - Consequences

Season 1 Episode 3 - Gale Island

Season 1 Episode 4 - Extraordinary

Season 1 Episode 5 - Wings of Science

Season 1 Episode 6 - The Gift

Season 1 Episode 7 - Dance Break

Season 1 Episode 8 - Lost and Found

Season 1 Episode 9 - Flight

Season 1 Episode 10 - To the Stars

Season 2 Episode 1 - Cargo

Season 2 Episode 2 - The Colony

Season 2 Episode 4 - Aurora

Season 2 Episode 5 - Torpedoes

Season 2 Episode 6 

Season 2 Episode 7 - Space Walk

Season 2 Episode 8 - Ash Clouds and Lava Bombs

Season 2 Episode 9 - Aftermath

Season 2 Episode 10 - See You In the Stars

Season 3 Episode 1 - The Unexplainable Reappearance of Mars Patel

Season 3 Episode 2 - Unreal

Season 3 Episode 3 - Neverland

*I created a classroom account for Pinna! When you click on the link, download the app for free or go to the website through the link. THEN, to login click "login" and use missrayesroom@gmail.com and Grade4204 for the password!

Season 3 Episode 4 - Discovery

*The link will bring you to our class Pinna account. Make sure you're in "my library" and on Mars Patel playlist. Click on Episode 4 Discovery to listen!

*The link will bring you to our class Pinna account. Make sure you're in "my library" and on Mars Patel playlist. Click on Episode 5 Connections to listen!

Season 3 Episode 6 - In the Dark

*The link will bring you to our class Pinna account. Make sure you're in "my library" and on Mars Patel playlist. Click on Episode 6 In the Dark to listen!

*The link will bring you to our class Pinna account. Make sure you're in "my library" and on Mars Patel playlist. Click on Episode 7 Return of the Martian to listen!

Season 3 Episode 8 - The Fall of the Mars Colony

*The link will bring you to our class Pinna account. Make sure you're in "my library" and on Mars Patel playlist. Click on Episode 8 The Fall of the Mars Colony to listen!

*The link will bring you to our class Pinna account. Make sure you're in "my library" and on Mars Patel playlist. Click on Episode 9 Pruitt Prep to listen!

The final episode!!! What do you think? What was your most surprising part? Tell me over on Dojo!
You can use my graphic organizer or separate a piece of paper into boxes for each episode!

Comment below or in your ClassDojo Portfolio
tell me your prediction for the next episode!!
Start with: 
Episode #___. My prediction for the next episode is _________


  1. Episode #1. My prediction for the next episode is that the kids will hide or outrun the police and get away.

    1. Oohh! I was thinking something very similar when I listened too!! :)

  2. episode #1 my prediction is that they are going to run from the cops and the will escape .

  3. Episode #3. my prediction for the next episode is that caddie will get taken away next.

    1. Ahh!! Oh no... I agree with your prediction but I hope not at the same time!! :)

  4. episode #2 my prediction they are going to find arora.


  5. Episode #2 My prediction for the next episode is they are going to find Aurora

  6. Episode #4. My prediction for the next episode is that Caddie and JP are not human.

    1. Oh interesting! What do you think they are? Great prediction!

  7. Episode#1 .my prediction for the next episode is that another kid is going to get missing as well as the other two. jhadyel peralta.

    1. Great thinking! Way to use some clues from the first episode!! Nice work Jhadyel :)

  8. Episode # 2. my predictoin for the next episode is that aurora is not missing anymore. jhadyel peralta.

  9. Episode #3. my predictoin is that aurora and johna are going to get found. Jhadyel Peralta.

    1. All these people going missing?! What is going on? Hmm.... great prediction!

  10. Episode #4. my predictoin is that JP and Caddie are problably aliens?.jhadyel peralta

    1. OOOOhhh I like that idea! We shall see! Nice predictions Jhadyel!

  11. Episode #3 My prediction is they will not find Aurora or Jonas

    1. Good thinking! I wonder why these people are all going missing! Nice work Ryan :)

  12. Epsiode#3- Aurora and Jonas are going to be there.

  13. episode 4 i periodic that they are going to think what Jonas and aurora are going to think so they will get found

    1. Be a little bit more specific in your predictions, don't forget to write in complete sentences with capitals and periods!

  14. Episode #4, i predict the powers they had will stay with them and will take them back to the island, and they will find the school.

    1. Oh I like your thinking! So much is going on in the episodes!

  15. i think the kids are going to win the war

    1. Nice prediction! Don't forget to write in complete sentences!

  16. I predict that they will meet the person again and he will show them to the island and the school.
    Episode #5

    1. I need to know more about this mystery person! So many questions about him or her! Can't wait to find out!

  17. episode #6 my prediction is that mars is not going to end up moving and she is going to stay home.

    1. What about the "friend" with the message. What do you predict about that?

  18. Episode #6
    I think that they wont move because Mars changes his moms mind.

  19. Episode #7 I think that they will find Mars and all the other friends.

  20. episode 7

    I think that mars is going to end up were aria and Jonas are. 😯

  21. Episode #8 I they will meet the girl.

  22. episode 8

    I predict that mr. Q is going to invent something to fly so they can go to the school.

  23. Episode #9 I think that Mars is brainwashed and will make the others get brainwashed.

  24. episode 9

    I predict that mars and Jonas are fine but they are acting like they got bran washed so they can see there friend .

  25. I predict they will find Arura and escape Fang.

  26. I predict that Mars mom will help them.

  27. My prediction for episode three is since Arora sent Mars a text maybe Mars can find her by asking her where she is so he can find her

  28. My prediction for episode 3 is that Mars is going to find Arora because she sent him a text so Mars can ask her where she is so he can find her.

  29. I think that they will get away from the volcano and get back to earth.

  30. I predict that they will get home very soon.

  31. My prediction for S2EP3 is that since Mars and Axel are roomates Mars wont like it because he is the one who hacked into their shuttle. He also might not trust Arora because she is the leader of the fang.

  32. My prediction for S2EP3 is since Mars is roomates with Axel he wont like it because he is the one who hacked their shuttle.Also he wont trust Arora any more since she's the leader of the fang.

  33. My prediction for S2EP10 is that since there is no connection on earth they might not be able to get back to earth because they wont be able to call or text any one to help them get down and go back to earth

  34. I think that they will get back to earth and Katie will be there to.

  35. I think that they will go back to Pruitt prep

  36. I think that Mars will figure out what is happening an fix it agin.

  37. I think since Oliver pritt told them to open the gates then the tartigrades might destroy where they are.


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